Wednesday, February 7, 2018

2 months and counting down

Panoramic from Wind Turbines on Pillar to Three Sisters to Monashka Bay. Look at that snow!

Beautiful Sunset on Pillar tonight but the camera didn't do it full justice.

I'm a bit nervous about doing this blog because I am a private (to this technology world and to sharing my daily happenings to everyone that might view this), but I have decided that it might be a good idea to start a blog now as we close a chapter in the JSM book and open a new one.  I also found my old blog and read some posts that had me rolling, so here goes (hopefully with some rolling posts for you and me (later)!)
While people are stating we should be starting a family (because we are old and I guess that is what you do when you are married)....Jason and I have decided to start our second careers because I got into Physician Assistant school in Salt Lake City, Utah, and Jason is completing Fire Academy school right now (and he is also applying for a job as I type this blog).  I start school on May 7th in SLC.  I will leave Kodiak around April 3rd and I believe I will be flying to Utah, Ohio (hopefully Illinois) and then Kansas to meet Jason, who will be coming from Fire School in Texas.  We will buy a car in KS, visit family in KS, and then head west to our new home all before school starts.
Until then, I'm soaking up each day in Kodiak and with an excited heart but also a deeply bleeding heart, knowing my time in Kodiak and Alaska is coming to a close sooner than I wish.  Alaska stole my heart in 2004.  Kodiak has its quirks, mostly rain, but it too, stole Jason and I's heart, and we hope to return after school.
My goal for this blog is to use it often when I'm in school to stay in touch with family and friends because I have been told by other PA's that I will become a horrible daughter, sister, cousin, niece, friend, etc just because school will have me busy every day and full time, and without much time to communicate or stay in touch.  Exercise and play will be my outlet so if we can figure out how to exercise and chat on the phone, let's make the date.  Until then, Jason and I are staying busy getting ready for our movers in mid March, and with work of all sorts, and enjoying the snow that Kodiak is receiving this winter!  ~Shanna


  1. Is there a way to get notifications when you post an entry?

    1. Hi Theo! yes I believe so. I need your email address. You can private message it to me if you wish in Facebook.


Moving is hard! Playing now to Refresh and Prepare.

Shanna on top of Wolverine Man (Anchorage, AK) The past few weeks in Kodiak were super busy, full of emotion, and full of exhaustion, ...