Thursday was a busy one again with some sweet news to end the day.
In the early morning, I had my annual dental appts. I learned from my new dentist that I shouldn't use my sonicare with toothpaste as it (toothpaste) is abrasive on my teeth. But then I should follow up my wet clean sonicare session with a manual toothbrush that has toothpaste on it for maybe everything but my teeth to get that "freshness". I'm not sure I agree with this! My very trusted dental hygienist may or may not have rolled her eyes when I asked for clarification.
Jason had x-rays for his post coast guard physical.
We then met in the middle and started our day. Today included a lot of food for some reason. We had both been craving scones, so I made scones. We also were drowning happily in 5# of carrots from our produce order so we made a yummy orange carrot juice, a jar of fermented carrots, and 3 pans of Shepard's Pie because we were absolutely still drowning, and not so happily, in white potatoes. I can report that we are down to a half of bag of whites now and a lot of sweet potatoes. These potatoes are comically testing my German roots. ;). Friday (so today as written) we had potato pancakes. Thank you mom for sharing this recipe with me.
After 3 pans of Shepards pie, we visited a sweet dear friend to assess her yard after our huge wind storm on Monday and Tuesday that still leaves her without cable, internet and phone. This is a problem because her son who visits on Saturday nights doesn't stay when there is no tv/noise for him to enjoy. The way she shares that story is hilarious!
We then walked the dogs and then we had a FaceTime interview with our future landlords; though at the time we didn't know they were going to pick us from the other family. It was very nerve wracking because if they declined us, we would be back at square zero for our living situation in SLC come April/May. About an hour or two later, we received the news that they DID pick up and we have a place to live in SLC or actually Cottonwood Heights, Utah! Whew, what a relief for both us and our roommate Menerva!
We also hit the garage finally for cleaning/weeding/prepping for the movers who come in two weeks! Ugh....Jason has WAY too much stuff. on another note, though our rental house offer was a major high of excitement, my husband declared that we will be selling my hunting pack as it will sit and rot for 2+ years while I'm at school. Talk about major sadness and tears at that moment. ~Shanna
I think getting rid of the hunting pack is a good idea because by the time you used it again it would be obsolete. Now you can look forward to getting the latest and greatest when you get back! Patrick