Sunday, February 18, 2018

Solo Saturday & KrumKake maker

Gorgeous pano from the top of Pyramid with Kodi on a picnic like day

Today Jason had to work from 1-6:30 and it was gorgeous out, so I had to get out and do something, so after eating naughty sugary candy, I decided I had to go ski before the sugar crash happened...and it worked!  
I don't often ski by myself on Pyramid due to safety concerns but today had to be an exception due to many people up there and the AMAZING weather!  After feeling like Death yesterday while skinning up, this day felt like I was super strong, thank goodness or I might have written home and said to never give me sugary candy again!  lol
When I got to the top, it was a day on the "summit" where you could have a picnic, absolutely no Wind!  The only downside which I found as I turned to ski down was the amount of ice up there...which caused me to fall TWICE and ugly fall! I almost couldn't believe it.  I thought, oh no...this is not going to be a good ski if I can't even handle the start.  and then I realized my boots were not buckled so this could have been some of the problem????
I found the snow to be catchy and little frightening on the turns so I didn't decide to do a second lap.  What I did find is the snow got better and better as I went down the mountain, which again is not usually the case.  

Though it was a solo adventure without Jason, it was a good one, and some days we just have to have them. 

Our night ended together with some sweet friends, Sam and Julie Chelmo, when we went over to buy her late mother's KrumKake maker.  I've been told KrumKake is a traditional holiday food of Jason's made by his mother. Since hearing this, I felt this was something we needed to have for Jason's tradition.  I do have to say though, that we find this quite ironic because I am the ultimate purger in our house, and I don't want "stuff" sitting around or filling holes, and I may even be guilty of making Jason purge his much hoarded items, such as the box of PEZ dispensers this weekend.  Noooo they are not worth a million....only like $10 or $1per dispenser on eBay...we looked!  :)


Kodi and a yummy stick we keep finding on Pyramid.  It was also my trick stick to try to help him not be such a jerk as I skied down the mountain.  He likes to chase us and then be in the way on a turn or run over our skis which scares us that we will cut him.  The stick remains on the near top of pyramid for our next visit as my trick didn't quite work, but Kodi did pretty good eventually. I concluded yesterday that it must be his excitement in the beginning that makes him act this way. 
cool snow melting off of the golf course house 

Picture actually from Friday that was taken by our friend Patrick Saltonstall 

Pyramid Summit 

1 comment:

  1. Nora and I skied the other side - it was really good. Dale told me it was good powder over there and he was right - less chopped up and wind effected, and NO ice! I also noticed on the drive back in to town that the wind mills were not even turning. So truly a gorgeous day to be on high. I'll be posting on my blog about it tomorrow morning!


Moving is hard! Playing now to Refresh and Prepare.

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